It is Shochugeiko time. 10 straight days of summer training starting next week on Tuesday, August 20 at Obukan at 6 pm. It’s a great opportunity to meet and train with our fellow Portland judoka and visit their dojos. Below you will find the schedule for date, time and dojo. This calendar will be posted on the Obukan Facebook Page site as well. Please check back for updates. There are still a few days and details to be set.
1st Tuesday / August 20th / Obukan / 6pm – 7:45pm
2nd Wednesday / August 21st / Portland Judo / 6pm – 8pm
3rd Thursday / August 22nd / Obukan / 6pm – 7:45pm
4th Friday / August 23rd / TBD
5th Saturday / August 24th / Seiwakan / 9:30am
6th Sunday / August 25th / Ojukan 10am-2pm
7th Monday / August 26th / Portland Judo / 6pm – 8pm
8th Tuesday / August 27th / Obukan / 6pm – 7:45pm
9th Wednesday / August 28th / Seiwakan / 6:30pm – 8pm
10th Thursday / August 29th / Obukan / 6pm – 7:45pm
8/31 Picnic! location TBD
Portland Judo – 1500 NW 18th ave.
Ojukan – Hillsboro Armory 848 NE 28th Hillsboro 97123