Richard Muller Sensei (6th Dan)
He was the great gift for my life. This is one advise from him. “as long as I remember the person, will live forever in my heart..” You will be missed greatest man!.
– Asako Omine
Obukan, the USJF, and indeed all of American judo has lost a great judoka with the passing of Richard Muller Sensei. He has been a constant voice of reason for our dojo and for the USJF. A friend, and a mentor, an all around great man. He will be missed.
– Julie Koyama
It is sad to hear the news of Richard passed way on this weekend.
He has been the man who stand very strong on his opinions which from his rich experience. His knowledge in Judo helped in developing many of our club members and he was a sole adviser for legal matter for our dojo. It has been big help for Obukan and many other associations, including advising me for my company. We miss him greatly.
– Toshio Ichinoe
Sensei Muller was a great man and helped a lot of people in the Northwest for many years. He will be missed.
– Ojukan Judo
He was one of my first teachers, an amazing person, a very generous spirit who truly cared about people. He commanded so much respect. I will never forget him. He made a huge positive impact on my life and it is an honor to have known him.
– Orlando Romulo
Sensei Muller was instrumental in revitalizing judo in the PNW after WWII. He began judo at Reed College, a founding member of Obukan, and a key member of the Northwest Judo Yudanshakai. He advised me through thick and thin and once told me when I complained about the politics. “Jason you put two people together in the same room, you have politics” I thank you Sensei for all you have done for Judo and me personally you will be greatly missed!!! I hope you brought your gi:)
– Richard Jason Fortin-Luedtke
I am saddened to hear about the passing of Sensei Muller. He was a sensei of mine for over 40 years! The respect I have for him goes much further than his judo expertise, he was a gentleman and a man of real integrity! Several years ago he told me after practice, “Dick, your a damn fine instructor” those words meant the world to me.He wrote me a few months ago and said he needed to step down as legal for Obukan because of his sickness.Here is what I will never let happen again; I have been meaning to get a card from the Obukan people sharing our sentiments for Sensei Muller and go visit him and share my appreciation for the many times he invested in my life. I put it off, and now I can not do what I should have done. I regret my putting this off! I don’t want to live with regrets, so I will not put off such important matters in the future.
Judo in the US, in the northwest, and in Obukan has been enriched because of all that Sensei Muller has done for so many decades. He will be missed.
Our blessings go out to his wonderful family.
So with my final bow, sayonara Sensei..
– Dick Middlebrooks
Johny, Heidi, Leigh,So sorry for your loss. Rich was a good friend, and great Sensei to all of us. He was always giving to us. Keeping us all on the correct path both on and off the mat. I know we very much enjoyed his instructions this past few years as he would bring a different element to the judo class with some old style Judo and Jiujitsu mixed in. The students always walked away wanting more. I am glad that we got to honor him as one of our Sensei’s at the Obukan Opening ceremony. He was pivotal in the new direction and future path of Obukan. We could not be where we are today without his leadership.He will be missed by all of us greatly.
I know that all of us here at Obukan and beyond our mat will support you and your family in anyway.
I am honored to have been thrown, choked and pinned by your dad. And even a greater honor to have bowed to him and with him. Please give your mom and your family my condolences.
– Rod Conduragis
I am sad to hear the news of Sensei Muller passing. I enjoyed his direct way of speaking and I will miss his presence at the dojo
– John Watters
Sad to hear Sensei Muller pass away. Very sad!
– Alan W. Snow
Saddened by your loss. RIP Mueller Sensei.
– Jerouel Gomez
I’m sadden to hear of the passing of Sensei Muller, my deepest condolences and prayers goes out to his entire family.
– Gary Takemoto
My thought and prayers
– Harold Yama
I’m so sorry to hear! A great man, a great judoka and a fellow Reedie!
– Heidi Moore
I am very sorry to hear this. Rich was a great guy.
– Jerry Hays
I have fond memories of Muller Sensei on the mat when I was a kid. Arigato Sensei, for all you have given me. You will be sorely missed
– Mark Hirota
RIP Muller Sensei. Condolences to Muller Sensei’s family. Every conversation I had with him I always received a nugget of wisdom. Definitely glad I was able to visit with him and will miss the opportunity in the future. Happy Trails Muller Sensei!
– SG Yahn
RIP Muller Sensei. A great but humble man.
– Karen Mackey
Muller Sensei was someone I always thought of as super human. I never thought this day would come. His enthusiasm and spirit will be missed. I don’t think I have ever met anyone who loved Judo more than Sensei Muller.
– Tim Ribeiro