We Are Obukan Judo Dojo

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Obukan Judo is a 97 year old Judo Dojo established in 1926 in Portland, Oregon. We teach traditional Kodokan Judo.

The origin and meaning of our dojo name “Obukan”: the “O” refers to Oregon; Oregon was called “O-shu” or O-state by Japanese immigrants. “Bu” means martial training. “Kan” means building or training hall. Dr. Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, visited Oregon while touring the United States after the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. The Portland Judo Club hosted a shiai (tournament) in his honor. At a meeting afterward Kano shihan officially changed the name of Portland Judo Club to Obukan Judo Dojo.
You can read more about the history of our club here.

Dojo Location
7333 NE Fremont, Portland Oregon
Phone: (503) 208-3035