The Obukan Kids Judo Camp is open to all children from age 5 through 12 years of age. A USJF, USJA or USA Judo card is required. Basic judo skills will be covered
as well as history and etiquette.
Place: Peninsula Community Center East Gymnasium
700 N Rosa Parks, Portland, Oregon
Time: Monday August 19 though Friday August 23, 9 am through 12 pm
Cost: Free for Obukan/Seiwakan members $30 for non members
Requirements: Judogi, water bottle
This camp will cover beginning judo as well as more advanced concepts for
those who are experienced judoka. Instruction will be provided for those
with no experience as well as those who who are experienced . Instruction
will be provided by area yudansha (black belts) with experience in teaching
beginners and children.
Snack will be provided each day.
USJF membership will be available on site for those students who need them.
Registration will be August 19 at Peninsula or may be emailed to [email protected]
Click to download full info packet here