Video Of Old School Jujutsu

The jujutsu we talk about when we talk about the roots of Kodokan Judo is not the modern versions like BJJ, etc.  Kodokan Judo came primarily from Tenshin Shinyo Ryu and Kito Ryu jujutsu.  If you ever wondered what this kind of jujutsu looked like, here is a video of some Tenshin Shinyo Ryu kata… Continue reading Video Of Old School Jujutsu

Obukan Promotions

Congratulations to all those who received well deserved promotions last week. Obukan welcomes it’s three newest Shodans to the club as well: Rob Wakimoto, John Watters and Danjiro Duffy

55th Obukan Dojo Shiai and Kata Tournament!

Congratulations to all the competitors, coaches and clubs that participated in this year’s tournament. It was an exciting tournament. There were so many great matches to watch. A big thanks too, to all referees and those behind the scenes people that worked hard to made the tournament happen.