7 Days in a row of summer judo practice for all students at all levels. DAY 1 Junior/Senior SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 2021 @ 9:30 AM– 11 AM DAY 2 Junior/Senior MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021 @ 6:30 PM– 8 PM DAY 3 Juniors TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2021 @ 6 PM – 7:15 PM DAY 3 Seniors… Continue reading SHOCHUGEIKO 2021
Author: admin
Juniors Update Reminder: One practice to rule them all.
Reminder that as of June 15th, we brought both the younger and older juniors practices back together at the same time. Practice starts at 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please try to be there 15 minutes ahead of practice and if you can, print and fill out the Covid forms ahead of time. We’ve looking… Continue reading Juniors Update Reminder: One practice to rule them all.
Saturday Morning Kata Practice
Currently we are working on Katame no Kata. Katame no Kata is one of the two Randori-no-kata of Kodokan Judo. It is intended as an illustration of the various concepts of katame-waza that exist in judo, and is used both as a training method and as a demonstration of understanding. Stick around after Saturday morning’s… Continue reading Saturday Morning Kata Practice
Updated Practice Times
Maybe too early to say goodbye to COVID but we are excited to see some familiar pieces of dojo life return. Thank you to everyone that continued to practice and support us over the past year. Not only is it great to see a return of so many members (even if half their faces are… Continue reading Updated Practice Times
Obukan 2017 Tournament
Stay Tuned! Info for this year’s Obukan 61st Judo Shiai & Kata / Onchi Sensei Memorial Tournament will be posted soon.